Industrial Ultrasonic Cleaner Manufacturer-GranboUltrasonic
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Professional cleaning of window blinds

Granbosonic blinds ultrasonic cleaner

Ultrasonic Blind Cleaning

          Long-term use of window blinds will be covered with dust, tar, germs, etc., so is recommended regular cleaning. Cleaning when necessary to add cleaning agent, cleaning effect is better for blinds. The window is completely new, regular cleaning and maintenance can greatly extend the service life of the shutter life. Now Granbo Technology Industrial Shenzhen Co., Ltd. is proud to introduce UltraSonic Cleaning technology to window blinds.

How does an ultrasonic cleaner work?

       Ultrasonic cleaning works through high-frequency sound waves transmitted through the liquid to scrub clean the surface of immersed parts. The high-frequency sound waves, typically 40 kHz, agitate the liquid solution of water or solvent and cause the cavitation of solution molecules. Then bubbles are created. These microscopic bubbles implode with such force that contaminants adhering to surfaces are dislodged. Ultrasonic cleaning machines scrub surfaces clean through implosions of tiny bubbles.

       Ultrasonic cleaning systems are widely used in many industries, including medical devices, automotive, aerospace dental, electronics, jewelry and weapons. Ideal items for ultrasonic cleaning include medical and surgical instruments, carburetors, firearms, window blinds, industrial machine parts and electronic equipment.

Ultrasonic Blind Cleaning

G-7233B Ultrasonic Cleaner 

Pros of Blinds cleaning ultrasonic cleaner: Within about 3 minutes; With rinsing tank; Drying tray and frame are optional

Ultrasonic Blind Cleaning
Ultrasonic Blind Cleaning
Ultrasonic Blind Cleaning
Ultrasonic Blind Cleaning
Ultrasonic Blind Cleaning
Ultrasonic Blind Cleaning

Precautions for use

  • The power supply and electric heater of the ultrasonic cleaning machine must have a good grounding device;
  • it is prohibited to open the ultrasonic cleaning machine without detergent, that is, if no certain amount of detergent is added to the cleaning tank, you can not open the ultrasonic cleaning machine;
  • there is no liquid in the heating equipment cleaning equipment, it is prohibited to open the heating switch;
  • it is strictly prohibited to use heavy objects to clean the bottom of the cleaning tank, so as not to damage the inverter chip;