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Cleaning advantages of medical ultrasonic cleaners in medical equipment

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Cleaning advantages of medical ultrasonic cleaners in medical equipment

The scope of application of medical ultrasonic cleaning machine in addition to the hospital also covers medical research organizations and their pharmaceutical research centres, it can clean the type of medical apparatus also gradually increased, in the case of saving human resources relatively high clean medical apparatus is its biggest advantage, in addition, why use medical ultrasonic cleaning machine to clean medical apparatus?

Medical instrument

Medical instrument

1、Integrated cleaning

The use of medical ultrasonic cleaner requires human factors to put into the medical apparatus and its cleaning solution, but after the cleaning machine is opened can be automated and integrated cleaning, cleaning, dipping and drying treatment are all step by step continuous and no longer require human factors to operate in the middle, is considered to be a full set of cleaning measures and save human resources and time.

2、Protect the safety and health of nursing staff

Medical instruments inevitably have surgical blades, glass, medical forceps and other relatively sharp, if the supplies are stained with the patient’s blood, then the human cleaning inevitably have a sense of the probability of seven, the choice of medical ultrasonic cleaning machine can prevent human cleaning infectious disease problems, just put the medical instruments into the medical ultrasonic cleaning machine for cleaning can be completed environmental health work. I suggest that you have a look granbo ultrasonic cleaner.

Ultrasonic cleaners

Ultrasonic cleaners

3、The cleaning effect is obvious

Attached to the medical apparatus above the drugs or blood stains if dry is also very difficult to clean by hand, even if the surface can not see the dirt but still appear difficult to remove the remnants of germs, medical ultrasonic cleaning machine in the start of the cleaning solution can cause a large number of fine vapor bubble impact medical apparatus, can also penetrate into the many gaps in the supplies, this type of ultrasonic cavitation effect caused by the cleaning effect is also human Can not be replaced, can be more completely and thoroughly will be cleaned medical instruments.

vibration head

vibration head


The above is the main reason for the application of medical ultrasonic cleaning machine to clean medical instruments, to know its work characteristics and its cleaning characteristics are very efficient, high-quality medical ultrasonic cleaning machine are able to carry out this work, more understanding of some medical ultrasonic cleaning machine which is cost-effective to be able to select the most ideal, as an aid to the hospital to carry out a lot of cleaning work. It also used in matal parts.


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