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Industrial ultrasonic cleaner cleaning method

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The industrial ultrasonic cleaner cleaning method

Industrial areas for cleaning requirements are higher, the workload is greater, with the progress of the times, manual cleaning is gradually eliminated, ultrasonic cleaning as a good effect, high efficiency of a cleaning method, widely used in industrial fields. However, according to market research, we can learn that the current industrial ultrasonic cleaning machine is divided into a variety of different types, and the cleaning method to classify words can be divided into three categories.

Industrial ultrasonic cleaning machine

Industrial ultrasonic cleaning machine


1. According to the different requirements of cleaning precision

Ultrasonic cleaning is mainly divided into general industrial cleaning, precision industrial cleaning and ultra-precision industrial cleaning three categories.

General industrial cleaning, including vehicles, ships, aircraft surface cleaning, generally can only remove the relatively coarse dirt;.

Precision industrial cleaning includes the cleaning of various products processing and production process, various materials and equipment surface cleaning, etc., to be able to remove the tiny dirt particles as a feature.

Ultra-precision cleaning includes a precision industrial production process of mechanical parts, electronic components, optical components and another ultra-precision cleaning, to remove very small dirt particles for the purpose.

Industrial Ultrasonic Cleaner

Industrial Ultrasonic Cleaner

2. According to the different cleaning methods

Ultrasonic cleaning can also be divided into physical cleaning and chemical cleaning.

The use of mechanics, acoustics, optics, electricity, thermal principles, relying on the role of external energy, such as mechanical friction, ultrasound, negative pressure, high pressure, ultraviolet light, steam, and other methods to remove dirt from the surface of the object is called physical cleaning.

Relying on the role of chemical reactions, the use of chemicals or other solvents to remove dirt from the surface of the object is called chemical cleaning. Such as the use of a variety of inorganic or organic acids to remove the surface of the object rust, scale, with oxidizing agents to remove the surface of the object color, with fungicides, disinfectants to kill microorganisms and remove mold spots, etc., physical cleaning and chemical cleaning have their own advantages and disadvantages, but also has a good complementarity. In the actual application process, usually use both in combination to obtain better cleaning results.

Ultrasonic Cleaning

Ultrasonic Cleaning

3. According to the different cleaning media

Ultrasonic cleaning according to the different cleaning media can be divided into wet cleaning and dry cleaning: generally in the liquid medium for cleaning called wet cleaning, cleaning in the gas medium called dry cleaning.

Most of the traditional cleaning methods for wet cleaning, and people are easier to understand the dry cleaning is also vacuum cleaner. But in recent years, dry cleaning is developing rapidly, such as laser cleaning, ultraviolet cleaning, plasma cleaning, dry water cleaning, etc., in the field of high, precise, and advanced industrial technology has been developed rapidly.

As can be seen from the above points, the industrial ultrasonic cleaning machine cleaning method is mainly divided into general industrial cleaning, precision industrial hydrogen and ultra-precision industrial cleaning three ways. Industrial ultrasonic cleaning machines these three different cleaning methods have cleaning characteristics and applicable cleaning items are different, so in the use of good stability of industrial ultrasonic cleaning machine cleaning of a variety of different items, the need to choose the appropriate cleaning method according to the characteristics of the workpiece.


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